Friday night music on 4KK.


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Friday is here again and no place hits the tunes like 4KK does…n that’s probably why Stu had to replace a few windows this week, but fear not Stu likes doing stuff like that, apparently.

The doors to the 4KK public house are open in anticipation we might get a few in tonight. I’d say we have a offer at the bar but I’d be lying so I won’t say it.

It’s been a shite week…a shite few weeks to be fair.
Naby lad is…. Well… A lad called Naby. No other news to report.
Conor has admitted he’s guilty of all the things I accuse him of. He didn’t actually admit to anything, I just made that bit up….it’s a space filler for the usual rambling nonsense I usually ( always) write…type🤭

Jerry, Conor and Stu had a chat earlier. That’s nice.

Daisy mentioned she’s leaving home again to piss off back to her nail bar in Soho. Like we e never heard that before. Tractor Mike is like, ok…you’ll be back when you need your udders emptying. or summat like that.

Anyway, back to the music.

We here in the 4KK pub enjoy music from the 4 Korners of the planet, we even like music from other places too, such as the planet Zarg. Soop post from there all the time, after cleaning his not so shiny bus.

Ginge still forgets to post her predictions, as does Sir Matty, but hey I’m always there to give em a kick. Why? Coz I’m fookingly, fooking obsessed. Which reminds me….

Anyway, I digress, which is not like me, obviously 🤔

It’s time to fill this pub with all the tunes you love ( personally I’d rather you post shite so I can send the taxi’s in. Me fooking mansion build is behind schedule coz you all post good stuff. Dammit., apart from my not so good self, obviously)

Fooknose wtf I’m on about, I’ve lost my 🚆 of thought here… Is that a 🚆?⬆️⬇️⬅️↖️↩️ Fooknose.

Don’t ask⬆️🤣

It’s time my friends to hit those discs. Just keep it down coz the neighbours are proper boring fookers.

Pop in, play your shit ( that’s a word that means proper good, according to next doors 🐈. She’s well clued up n down with the bro’s🤷) or simply pop in for a natter.

The taxis have been cleaned and fuelled for your convenience.

This is 4KK where music is loudest….unless ya didn’t pay ya lecci bill.

Bit it!

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