Category: Gossip & music


Friday Gossip & Music.

We do like a bit of gossip . Apparently Amorim was adamant he didn’t want to manage Liverpool in the first place. His agent stipulated the fact he’d be interrogated by the 4KK Newsroom...


Friday Gossip & Music.

This Weeks Gossip column . After Wednesday’s debacle Wayne ( grab a granny ) Rooney conducted an interview shortly after the match. With the aid of a interpreter he said. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, it’s a great...


Friday Gossip & Music.

Your weekly gossip & bollocks supplement. Word on the street is Liverpool’s implosion is due to the stars and the moon not being aligned properly. This might sound like a daft excuse for being...


Friday Gossip & Music.

This Weeks gossip. Word on the street is six horses have refused to race in this Saturday’s Grand National, stating those whips really hurt. This is the real reason why the field has been...


Friday gossip & Music.

Its Friday gossip and music time. The big news this week amongst the gossiping community has been the ‘Luxury tax’ that is going to add another nail to the coffin of not just elite...


Good Friday Gossip & Music.

Your weekly gossip & music column. It’s been widely speculated that a certain Spaniard was potentially coming to Liverpool. Apparently those rumours are unfounded, but do we know why Xabi has decided to stay...


Friday gossip & music.

Your weekly gossip & music column. Reports leaked by another news source have suggested sightings of the lesser spotted Kate Middleton are fake 🤥. I know, fooking shocking innit 🤷. Harry Claim is expected...


Friday gossip & music.

Here is your weekly gossip & music blog. Word on the street is Baps has decided to move to Australia rather than UnReal Madrid. His reasoning behind this decision has not been verified by...