Friday Gossip & Music.

Your weekly gossip & bollocks supplement.

Word on the street is Liverpool’s implosion is due to the stars and the moon not being aligned properly. This might sound like a daft excuse for being shite but ,………….yeah, you’re right. It is a daft excuse.

Apparently Pep Lijnders has taken all his clothes off and offered himself to Besiktas , saying there’s more from where this came from and offered the entire backroom staff to join the party. Weird party, I know🤷

in other gossip ,

Asif’s 🐎has confessed he’s been a bit ( a lot ) naughty. The last time he escaped he met up with a Filly. The fowl is due in 4 months, apparently. Asif is beside himself. He’s shocked and angry but pledged to stand by his 🐴 during these trying times 🙄.

Spread your gossip here. If not then play some music instead.

Hit it!

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