Category: The Rambling Muse

The price of dog biscuits in China 🤷. 0

The price of dog biscuits in China 🤷.

Firstly, don’t blame me for the heading. Greg paid top dollar to advertise it. Thanks Greg. I’ll use the 💰💰💰💰💰 wisely,ish. We are all suffering right now with the interfookingnational break but it does...


Thoughts to ponder.

< Embed from Getty Images I was going to write a article earlier, you know the type…where I usually type a lot of shite but for a change I thought I might discuss things...


A early close season muse.

G’day ya nutters.Normally I’d call this a ramble but I prefer Jerry’s take on it. A muse is so much more sophisticated than a ramble, even though it’s probably the same thing, depending on...